Elements Of Financial Mathematics: From Interest Theory To Options

  • Publication Year: 2021
  • ISBN: 9781774077696
  • Price: $170
  • Publisher: Arcler Press
  • Binding Type: Hardcover

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This book reviews the recent studies on the origin and evolution of atomic matter in the Universe, considering early Universe, interstellar regions, and the solar system. In particular, it focuses on the study of the Universe by spectroscopic observations, it examines the chemical history of the very early universe to the formation of first atoms, it treats of the creation of the higher elements in the heart of the stars, and it reviews the interstellar chemistry from the viewpoints of theory, experiments, models and observations. Moreover, it provides some examples of laboratory-based astrochemistry, and at last, it focuses on the evolutionary history of the moon and the inner solar system, and their Silica-rich volcanism.

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Stefano Spezia is Ph.D. holder in Applied Physics at the University of Palermo since April 2012. His major research experience is in noise-induced effects in nonlinear systems, especially in the fields of modeling of complex biological systems and simulation of semiconductor spintronic devices. Associate member of the Italian Physical Society and European Physical Society.